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17 Aug 2023 16:39:17
Question for Ed002.I know you don't like getting into the finances but not asking specifics, just more general. Looking at a club like Villa who are a similar size fan base, no European football for a while was wondering what the biggest difference is between us and them. is it our wage bill being a lot higher, or our commercial income being a lot lower or mixture of both? I know we've handed out some ludicrous contracts living beyond our means but just wondering whether that's the sole driver for our predicament or whether we're also lagging behind comparable size clubs in the revenue department?
It's incredible that a well paid board have run the club so badly and yet mosh and kenright still maintain everyone has done an excellent job!


{Ed002's Note - The huge difference with Aston Villa is that owners Nassef Sawiris and Wes Edens promised Unai Emery that they will provide the financial support to reshape the playing staff and to add one or two high profile players. Financially Everton have a huge wage bill issue already.}

1.) 17 Aug 2023 22:15:07
Ed I am sure you have explained multiple times but I don’t get that response? I thought the point of FFP was that rich owners couldn’t provide financial support and it was all based on a clubs income? Or have I completely missed the point of your response? Did you just mean they have managed it much better by bringing in players on wages within their means and only handed out big contracts to one or two where as Everton did the opposite and handed too many big contracts out?

{Ed002's Note - It is based on sustainability over a period of time.}

2.) 17 Aug 2023 22:15:52
Hi Ed - have you heard whether there has been any progress in Moshiri selling up?

{Ed002's Note - Not that I am aware.}

3.) 18 Aug 2023 21:15:17
Coming from a Chartered background and with two kids doing quite well in the discipline what is the definition of sustainability. My understanding of debt is the ability to furnish that debt thus avoiding deficit. I am (imagine) a multi billionaire, I hold 100 percent a premier Club, don't care about money or penalties. How does FFP deal with that.

{Ed002's Note - You don’t seem to understand FFP or P&S.

4.) 18 Aug 2023 22:54:25
ED02 you say our wage bill is high but that's not completely true as over the last few years we have released or sold most of the high earners
James 250k
Allan 150k
Bolasie 80k
Walcott 100k
Besic 45k
Bernard 110k
Mina 120k

There are probably more but you get the gist.

I know we have brought players in but these have been within a wage structure so can I ask why you think our wage bill is still extremely high as from the last time I seen them they had gone down from 62 mill to 42 mill and that's without this year's players who have been released.

{Ed002's Note - Sorry, you need to compare it to turnover.}

5.) 19 Aug 2023 07:57:02
Our turnover dropped by around 30million due to various reasons. Commercial income fall, league position payment etc.

The percentage hasn't changed much at all.
On a brighter note this will increase with the improved and also new commercial deals, sleeve sponsor etc. and hopefully no more manager pay offs.

6.) 19 Aug 2023 17:05:10
I get that ED02 but if we have moved lots of high earners on then our wages have massively improved bud and they continue to try and bring them down.

7.) 19 Aug 2023 17:37:17
Yes but our income has dropped so our wages to income percentage is still similar despite the drop.
It's all relevant to p/ s.
We can't sustain a 90% wages to income so we either reduce wages even more or increase revenue.
The level should be 70% max.

8.) 20 Aug 2023 05:08:26
FFP takes into consideration money spent, players sold, wages being paid, sponsorship amd match day revenue, we have one of the worst grounds in terms of revenue and have spent too much on players that have provided no return.



23 Dec 2021 14:01:19
See the league have declined our request to postpone burnley game. Apparently one of the "fit and available" players is DCL who is just back training after 3 months out. Literally zero integrity about the premier League but think they give roughly zero Fu*ks. If dcl has to play and gets injured hope the money obsessed premier League will pay his wages whilst he's out. Utter disgrace, just makes a total farce of the league.


1.) 23 Dec 2021 14:07:42
Go easy on the egg nog mate.

2.) 23 Dec 2021 14:23:41
Well hopefully Rafa will not play him unless he is 100% ready. We have the kids who looked good against Chelsea and as a last resort we have Rondon. On second thoughts let's hope Burnley put in a request for postponement, they are bound to be successful.

3.) 23 Dec 2021 15:05:37
Yet they allowed City to cancel 'just as their bad patch hit' how surprising.

4.) 23 Dec 2021 16:16:04
This desision boarders on the illegal, it should be the same rules for everyone.
It does come as no surprise, we have always come out on the wrong side of official rulings, it really is time we started to stand up for ourselves, better lawyers, as well as better players .

5.) 23 Dec 2021 16:32:05
doe's seem strange that teams like City who have a massive squad can get cancellations. Yet teams like our's with threadbare squads are made to continue. Slightly baffling.

6.) 23 Dec 2021 17:01:05
Premier league motto regarding Everton has always been f*** em.
Gather the bus driver can play and all the behind the scenes hangers on.

7.) 23 Dec 2021 17:50:49
Can anyone answer this question.
Who are on this committee that have turned down Everton's request for a postponement.
If we are privy to this information we might be able to work out who's interests they are operating in, it's not evetons, it's not football, so is it the broadcasters, or are there more selfinteresting motives. ?

8.) 23 Dec 2021 17:58:15
Don't be daft he will play Rondon.

9.) 23 Dec 2021 23:09:42
It will be all about the money and not wanting to have to pay Amazon back the shed load of money they’ve paid for the games
A rearranged date won’t be as attractive or lucrative.

10.) 24 Dec 2021 06:48:13
I think you're bang on ST.

Now people can correct me if I'm wrong but from watching the press conference this is what I understand the situation to be.

For the game to go ahead you need 13 outfield players plus 1 keeper.

Everton have fit; 11 outfield players and 3 keepers. 6 injured outfield players and 5 outfield players with Corona. So they are changing the rules, it's a joke.

Above in this thread people are talking about not playing DCL well as one of our fit 11 outfield players he might not have any choice. Of our 11 other fit outfield players 5 are under the ages of 20. So I believe that is; Simms, Dobbin, branthwaitte, Onyango and another? Not sure who else we have.

So to not start DCL we will have to start with 4 players who have never played a full 90 in the PL and 1 that has only played 1 90 in the PL with only DCL on the subs bench plus 2 keepers.

Out of the 11 fit out field players and least 3 are strikers (not knowing who the fit senior players are) DCL, Simms, Dobbin. But rondon and cenk might be fit. So we have 11 outfield players and 5 of them could be strikers and we are being forced to play.

To be honest it's absolutely pathetic and the premier League are shameful. If this was one of their favourites like city Liverpool utd Chelsea there is no way this game would go ahead if they had a squad in the situation ours is in.


11.) 24 Dec 2021 08:25:27
Seems like double standards when other games on the same day have already been postponed due to C.V.

12.) 24 Dec 2021 11:36:01
Just seen on the Everton insta page it has been called off due to injuries and C.V. At least they saw sense in the end.

13.) 24 Dec 2021 15:55:10
Think it was also that they realised people didn’t want to be miserable over Christmas period, so decided having to watch Burnley v Everton wouldn’t be a good idea. Putting Mary Poppins on instead, magic.



26 May 2021 19:45:18
Apparently Nathan Broadhead getting a new 2 year deal. Nothing against the lad at all (I've barely seen him play which says a lot) but he's 23 years old and has barely had a sniff of first team football even though we haven't been able to fill the bench half the time. I might be being harsh but just feels like a repeat of likes of Garbutt and Pennington that we end up paying to their mid to late 20s and they never do anything.


1.) 27 May 2021 02:48:41
Maybe we’ll sell him this summer or maybe the club thing he’ll be a late bloomer.

2.) 27 May 2021 07:16:53
Yea maybe mate - And to be fair look where Jamie Vardy was at 23. Guess it's just the history with the others I mentioned that made me think are we just too desperate for someone to come through that we hang onto players that aren't really good enough!

3.) 27 May 2021 09:04:19
We have a squad of players that don't fit in with CAs idea of how we should be playing. I presume he see's Broadhead as a player with the attributes that he requires and hope he will improve, therefore wants him to stay. Whether or not he will make it only time will tell. He may just end up a squad player on the bench and then be sold. It may also help our financial situation as we may be able to go for players that will make a difference to the 1st team rather than compromise and bring in a 1st team and a squad player in the same position with limited funds. I personally think we have been over paying for players that are in effect squad players not 1st team starters and not enough due diligence was done with some of our signings hence the considerable amount of money spent for minimal return. That and the numerous management changes.

4.) 27 May 2021 21:41:50
I absolutely think we should fill the bench with the likes of Broadhead, Gordon, Onyango, Nkyoiyou rather than the useless dross we currently deploy.

Replace the 7 or 8 squad players and salaries with 3 or 4 absolute quality first team starters. Use youth to fill the gaps, we don't have huge game commitments anyway.



07 Mar 2021 19:34:49
Anyone heard anything about the doucoure rumours? Broken foot and out for the season?


1.) 07 Mar 2021 20:17:22
Hope not. If so who did he kick and how are they doing?

2.) 08 Mar 2021 17:01:22
Looks like it’s true as he’s not in the squad today.

3.) 12 Mar 2021 20:44:39
From the press conference today Carlo says he has a fracture and out for 8-10 weeks I think
Not confirmed if stress fracture or impact, quite a loss I feel.

4.) 12 Mar 2021 22:52:31
Yea massive loss that isn't it. Not the news we needed for the last 2 months of the sesson but hopefully Davies can consistently perform the way he has done in a couple of recent games as that would go a long way to filling the void.

5.) 13 Mar 2021 08:36:11
Massive opportunity for Davies.

6.) 12 Mar 2021 19:13:50
8-10 weeks out. Hats off to you TD you were spot on. One of best info that's been on here.

7.) 13 Mar 2021 14:35:59
Better than the Riquelme sightings? 😳.



19 Feb 2020 07:24:56
Ed002 I appreciate this may be a bit of a vague question so shoot me down if you have no idea. But you've nentioned player sales would be needed to help towards ffp, do you gave any idea who we might be looking to, or happy to, sell? And is there any interest in any of them?!


{Ed002's Note - Aside from the fringe players who do not have significant value, nope. Obviously there is money in the likes of Gylfi Sigurdsson and Morgan Schneiderlin.}

1.) 19 Feb 2020 09:29:23
Happy for either or both of those to go tbh. Sigurdsson has just been too inconsistent since we bought him, the odd fantastic game then nothing for weeks.

2.) 19 Feb 2020 16:02:30
Cheers Ed. Yea agree gibbo. Not convinced we'd get much for either but at least something plus massive wages off the books! Sickening to think siggy schneiderlin Walcott and sandro costs us somewhere near half a million a week and none of them are good enough!

3.) 19 Feb 2020 17:21:51
My best memory of Sig’s was that wonder goal against Leicester, I couldn’t get tickets in the away end so had to sit with the Leicester fans. I had to look annoyed when it rifled in. 😂.




ToffeeDavey's banter posts with other poster's replies to ToffeeDavey's banter posts


21 Feb 2024 20:03:13
Whilst the financial woes we've had throughout our stadium build continue, and the appeal into how badly we're punished for said troubles is ongoing isn't it amusing to see the comments from Jim Ratcliffe?!
Having bought a stake in United which values the club at £5 billion, he is proposing that a new stadium is built for United funded by the taxpayer! I kid you not! He says it could be considered the national stadium of the north. Maybe we should pitch the government for Bramley Moore being the national stadium of the north and see if they'll reimburse us for all of our build costs.


1.) 21 Feb 2024 22:35:34
Well that will probably happen then. I mean they are the most popular team in the world, are they not?

2.) 22 Feb 2024 07:35:48
They could just refund us for our and have the national stadium of the north in Liverpool. Easy.

3.) 22 Feb 2024 10:36:52
They will say our new ground is not big enough. But Utd's new ground just on the outskirts of London will hold 99,999 thousand.



17 Nov 2023 12:50:17
10 points! Hope we stay up despite it as a big two fingers up at the corrupt premier league.


1.) 17 Nov 2023 13:02:07
At least it’s out in the open now so let’s get on with it onwards and upwards COYBs.

2.) 17 Nov 2023 13:09:02
Think we got lucky. I'd take that punishment all day long this season. Last 2 and we would be in Championship. This year we will still be 10 to 15 minimum points clear of bottom 3. As we were 8 clear, we are only 2 PTS from getting out of bottom 3. The only way to determine if this is truly a "oh they hate Everton and only Everton" is when Man City and inevitably Chelsea get dragged into their respective hearings. A precedent has been set. I'm very happy that it's now over and don't think we should even embarrass ourselves and appeal. We are back off life support woo!

{Ed025's Note - we got that for 1 offence FBS, city have got 115 breaches...lets see what they get mate..

3.) 17 Nov 2023 13:13:50

We now know what's needed for the rest of the season. Maybe this will truly galvanise the team and supporters.

As long as other teams in similar situations are awarded similar deductions then that's fine. At the end of the day we took the Micky and have now been punished.


4.) 17 Nov 2023 13:13:52
Ah well sucks to be us honestly not surprised we are the warning to other teams.

5.) 17 Nov 2023 13:24:12
Just when things were looking up. It’ll not just be the points of course, it’ll be the guilty verdict which will no doubt open us up to be sued by all the clubs that went down Leeds, Leicester et al.


But on the up, at least it may now put off the 777 group. And if they were going to hit us with points this season prob our best opportunity to cover it. But it’s going to come down to last few games again. God help us.

6.) 17 Nov 2023 14:21:24
Stuff utd next weekend and all is gravy. I've actually not been this optimistic for 3 years and I'm not a fanboy of Dyche! It's a great day!
Absolutely ed25. I expect a Rangers style full EFL reset but they'll get a massive fine and even if it was a 65 point deduction, they'll not go down. Not that I am calling for them to be relegated.



25 Aug 2023 22:22:11
Great to see us paying mason holgate to play in the championship for someone else. Be good to know if he can cope at that level ready for next season. Relieved we've still got Chairman Bill for his negotiating and contacts.
If only holgate could have gone to a club with a couple of players we've been interested in eh.


1.) 25 Aug 2023 22:58:51
You’d rather be took a full wage to play with our u21s?



15 Aug 2023 16:03:08
Been away this weekend so missed the game. Just seen highlights, some appalling misses but wtf is our disallowed goal about?! It's not even close to being a foul (could possibly argue Leno fouls tarks after he drops the ball, but shouldn't really matter because we scored anyway) . Just a joke. They used to say these things even themselves out, well we're on -3 now so let's see how it pans out. (And yes I know one goal would have made it 1-1, but obviously us scoring first when we'd battered them is a different complexion on the game)




20 May 2023 13:10:20
Any pubs either in town or preferably south Liverpool that will be showing the game today?


{Ed025's Note - im not sure davey, it will have to be one with a dodgy box i expect mate..

1.) 20 May 2023 13:25:58
Cheers Ed. used to be a couple on lark lane but they stopped a while back so presumably got fined or something!

{Ed025's Note - yeah mate a couple on allerton rd used to have it as well but not any more..




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20 Dec 2023 15:33:11
Would like to see this. someone leaving early to cut their teeth and hopefully become a top manager. Unsy and Dunc were great servants (and probably weren't good enough managers anyway as it turned out) but both stayed too long and were never going to get the permanent gig at Everton having not managed elsewhere!




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24 Sep 2023 21:42:27
Judging by his comments when he went to Southampton I don't think his confidence is shot, more so that he has an extraordinary excess of confidence.




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01 Sep 2023 17:10:02
I'm far from convinced there is a shopping list. Tomorrow it'll be the "we tried" nonsense and Dyche telling us again that we need to be realistic about our expectations.




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27 Aug 2023 16:13:52
Another potential west ham signing that people have scoffed at when linked with us! If he's good enough for a decent team maybe he'd be good enough for the worst team in the world. People weren't enamoured with the links to Ward-Prowse or Antonio but they seem to be doing okay!




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15 Aug 2023 19:43:15
TomTom, if we stopped messing around and low balling they'd be a danger of having an offer accepted. I think the point is to promote the "we tried" line of nonsense so if we made proper offers and looked to get things done efficiently it'd be a real spanner in the works.





ToffeeDavey's banter replies


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06 Jun 2024 03:27:13
What makes you say the youth setup was good under Brands Dentie? Can't think of any players that made it into the first team!




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04 Apr 2024 13:48:48
He's just a divvy bluepotato. I just clicked on him and his last two posts on here. one in 2019 saying "would a Liverpool fan have Rafa back, no chance". then the next one in 2021 saying "just appreciate Rafa whilst you have him" ?.




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20 Feb 2024 20:15:21
When you say "normally would put away", are you sure? Apart from 1 season his career is being defined by his inability to convert chances. His all round play can be good, but the consistent thing about him is that he is not a goalscorer.




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20 Feb 2024 12:12:15
I agree McNeil looks tired, but he still managed to put 3 goals on a plate - 2 for DCL and 1 for Tarks but unfortunately none of them ended up in the net!




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18 Feb 2024 21:06:07
Dreadful. What a mess of a season he's having. absolutely guaranteeing we'll have to continue paying his ridiculous wages until contract expires. Players with his attitude, combined with a clueless board sanctioning crazy contracts is exactly what put us in the current mess.




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